Class JsonbConfig


public class JsonbConfig extends Object

Supported Properties

All JSON Binding providers are required to support the following set of properties. Some providers may support additional properties. - java.lang.Boolean
Controls whether or not the Jsonb toJson() methods will format the resulting JSON data with line breaks and indentation. A true value for this property indicates human readable indented data, while a false value indicates unformatted data. Default value is false (unformatted) if this property is not specified. - java.lang.String
The Jsonb serialization toJson() methods will default to this property for encoding of output JSON data. Default value is 'UTF-8' if this property is not specified.
jsonb.from.json.encoding - java.lang.String
The Jsonb deserialization fromJson() methods will default to this property encoding of input JSON data if the encoding cannot be detected.
This object is not thread safe. Implementations are expected to make a defensive copy of the object before applying the configuration.
JSON Binding 1.0