Module jakarta.cdi

Interface ProcessProducer<T,X>

Type Parameters:
T - The bean class of the bean that declares the producer method or field
X - The return type of the producer method or the type of the producer field

public interface ProcessProducer<T,X>

The container fires an event of this type for each producer method or field of each enabled bean, including resources.

Any observer of this event is permitted to wrap and/or replace the Producer by calling either setProducer(Producer) or configureProducer(). If both methods are called within an observer notification an IllegalStateException is thrown. The container must use the final value of this property, after all observers have been called, whenever it calls the producer or disposer.

For example, this observer decorates the Producer for the all producer methods and field of type EntityManager.

 void decorateEntityManager(@Observes ProcessProducer<?, EntityManager> pp) {

If any observer method of a ProcessProducer event throws an exception, the exception is treated as a definition error by the container.

CDI Lite implementations are not required to provide support for Portable Extensions.

See Also: